Work,Who Wants too?

In spite of all my marketing and business focused activities, none of my prospects had become a client and none of my projects came to life. Strangely, people from across North America were finding me, and rarely through my website. As long as I engaged in a relationship with the source and exercised faith, clients began showing up. Clients that were looking for the gifts that I had to offer and the connection I had to share.

Who Needs Encouragement?

Look for someone who has been a positive influence. You might look up to this person. I don’t believe there is any better way to be encouraged than to hear from someone that you were a tremendous help in some way. Your encouragement will help inspire that person to be a positive influence on others just as he or she was for you.

Principles Of Affirmations To Succeed

Happy, peaceful, contented, trustful, self respectful mental states keep the reason, conscience and judgment clear and proper investments will be made under them. Always see a dividend coming in from every dollar that goes from your pocket. The greatest of all dividends is Experience, for it is ever afterward a mental asset, that increases the value of every decision.